How to Utilize SATS for Effective Visualization Before Sleep

An ideal time for practicing SATS is just before sleep; this allows your senses to relax while keeping your mind alert enough for control. SATS’ goal is to create an imaginary scene so realistic that it feels real, enabling you to more quickly manifest your desires. As you drift into a state of deep relaxation, visualize your desired outcome in vivid detail. See yourself achieving your goals effortlessly, feeling the emotions as if they were happening in the present moment. This powerful technique harnesses the subconscious mind’s ability to manifest your deepest desires in clarity and precision.

Set Your Intention

Neville Goddard developed the State Akin to Sleep (SATS) technique into his teachings as an effective way of tapping into their subconscious minds more easily when visualizing desired goals and desires. Meditating during such an intermediate state between wakefulness and sleep provides a great opportunity to more quickly manifest desired changes within your subconscious mind.

Attaining this state is best accomplished just before bed or first thing in the morning when your brainwave frequencies fall between alpha and theta levels; this enables easier programming of affirmations and visualization techniques.

Setting an intention using this technique requires setting clear intentions that are as specific as possible, which allows you to visualize and feel as though the desire you’re looking for already exists inside you, speeding up its manifestation process while giving confidence that universal forces are at work helping bring it about.

Set Your Scene

Set aside time each day before bed to practice visualization and affirmation exercises and instill them into your subconscious when its memory-storing power is greatest.

“State Akin to Sleep” refers to the state of consciousness just before sleeping—that dream-like state just before drifting off to slumber. This stage offers an ideal way of visualizing your dreams coming true while your mind remains calm while giving you control of its course.

Meditation, daydreaming, reciting affirmations, listening to soothing music or sounds, counting to ten and relaxing after each number (similar to breathwork exercises), etc. are all ways you can access this state and begin altering your subconscious mind reprogramming process. Practice regularly until its effects start showing on you!

Loop Your Scene

Success with the SATS technique lies in being able to clearly and emotionally visualize your desires and immerse yourself. According to Neville Goddard, it is best practiced at night when on the cusp of sleep, when your subconscious mind is most open.

To accomplish this task, the easiest method is to use looping techniques like the Lullaby Method or repeating I AM affirmations. Once this task has been accomplished, visualize a scene depicting your wish coming true; for example, if it represents $10,000, then visualize an event that coincides with that amount occurring simultaneously with it.

Once this step has been accomplished, continue visualizing nightly until your goal becomes tangible and you can achieve your desires faster. No matter if the visualization changes night to night; what matters is being consistent. Practice makes perfect! To further prepare for SATS exams, daydreaming, meditation, counting from 1000-0 slowly until reaching zero with relaxation between numbers, or listening to music can all help get into test-taking mode—whatever works!

Repeat Your Affirmations

Neville Goddard suggests using the meditative state on the verge of sleep to visualize and repeat affirmations as part of this technique, to reprogram your subconscious. Repeating words aloud during this state of drowsiness could help reprogram your subconscious.

Imagined work should be practiced regularly—nightly if possible—until it begins to feel real, and your subconscious begins associating it with reality—an indicator that this technique has worked successfully.

Another popular SATS technique is “I remember when,” which involves recalling past desires as past realities to help overcome any doubt or anxiety regarding realizing them. You should find a method that works for you and be consistent in practicing it; although results will take time to materialize, greater practice could speed up their manifestation into reality over time.

The Art of Healthy Living” involves harnessing the subconscious mind’s ability to manifest your deepest desires in clarity and precision, much like practicing SATS just before sleep.

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